Research articles and publications

This section provides a comprehensive list of the research articles and publications from the SMaRT Centre in relation to its many programs and projects. Visit specific web pages for individual programs to see research outcomes for those programs.

Journal articles

  • Citation
    Nath DCD; Sahajwalla VH, 2011, 'Growth mechanism of carbon nanotubes produced by pyrolysis', Applied Physics A - Materials Science and Processing, 104, pp. 539 - 544,

  • Citation
    Yunos NFM; Zaharia M; Ahmad K; Nath DCD; Iwase M; Sahajwalla VH, 2011, 'Structural transformation of agricultural waste/coke blends and their implications during high temperature processes', ISIJ International, 51, pp. 1185 - 1193,

  • Citation
    Yunos NFM; Ahmad K; Zaharia M; Sahajwalla VH, 2011, 'Combustion of Agricultural Waste and Coke Blends during High Temperature Processes: The Effect of Physical, Chemical and Surface Properties', Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, vol. 11, pp. 261 - 266

  • Citation
    Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH; Simento N; Seetharaman S, 2010, 'Atomistic Monte Carlo simulations on the influence of sulphur during high-temperature decarburization of molten iron–carbon alloys', ACTA Materialia, 58, pp. 2235 - 2236,

  • Citation
    Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH; Waters AM, 2010, 'Atomistic computer simulations on large ensembles of high-molecular-weight polyaromatic hydrocarbons: The influence of molecular shape on carbonaceous mesophase', Computational Materials Science, 49, pp. 108 - 113,

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla V; Kongkarat S; Koshy P; Khanna R; Zaharia M; Saha-Chaudhury N; O'Kane P; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2010, 'Utilization of waste plastics in EAF steelmaking: High-temperature interactions between slag and carbonaceous materials', AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, pp. 127 - 136

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Zaharia M; Kongkarat S; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P, 2010, 'Recycling Plastics as a Resource for Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Steelmaking: Combustion and Structural Transformations of Metallurgical Coke and Plastic Blends', Energy and Fuels, 24, pp. 379 - 391,

  • Citation
    Grigore M; Sakurovs R; French D; Sahajwalla VH, 2009, 'Coke gasification: The influence and behavior of inherent catalytic mineral matter', Energy and Fuels, 23, pp. 2075 - 2085,

Conference Papers

  • Citation
    Kitamura S; Pahlevani F; Maruoka N; Shibata H, 2011, 'Improvment of dephosphorization by using multiphase slag', in Improvment of dephosphorization by using multiphase slag, High Temperature Processing Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, presented at High Temperature Processing Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 07 February 2011 - 08 February 2011

  • Citation
    Kitamura S; Pahlevani F; Shibata H; Miyata M; Tamura T; Higuchi Y, 2011, 'Improvement of kinetic model for hot metal dephosphrization', in Improvement of kinetic model for hot metal dephosphrization, International conference on modelling and simulation of metallurgical process in steelmaking, Dusseldorf, Germany, presented at International conference on modelling and simulation of metallurgical process in steelmaking, Dusseldorf, Germany, 27 June 2011 - 01 July 2011

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Zaharia M; Jang D; Dankwah J; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Skidmore C; Davis M; Knights D, 2011, 'Recycling waste polymers in iron oxide composite pellets for ironmaking', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH, Warrendale, PA, United States, pp. 631 - 639, presented at AISTech 2011 Iron and Steel Technology Conference, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 02 May 2011 - 05 May 2011

  • Citation
    Wechsler A; Ramírez M; Crosky A; Zaharia M; Jones H; Ballerini A; Núñez M; Sahajwalla V, 2011, 'Physical properties of furniture panels from macadamia shells', in ICCM International Conferences on Composite Materials

  • Citation
    Wechsler A; Ramirez MJ; Crosky AG; Zaharia M; Jones H; Ballerini AA; Nunez MA; Sahajwalla VH, 2011, 'Sustainable furniture panel composites from forestry and food industry by-products in Australia', in eddBE2011 sustainable wellbeing, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, pp. 88 - 93, presented at First International Postgraduate Conference on Engineering, Designing and Developing the Built Environment for Sustainable Wellbeing, Brisbane, 27 April 2011 - 29 April 2011

  • Citation
    Yunos N; Ahmad K; Zaharia M; Sahajwalla VH, 2011, 'Agricultural wastes - A resource for EAF steelmaking', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH, Warrendale, PA, United States, pp. 877 - 885, presented at AISTech 2011 Iron and Steel Technology Conference, Indianapolis, IN, United States, 02 May 2011 - 05 May 2011

  • Citation
    Dankwah J; Sahajwalla VH; Koshy P; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Knights D; Skidmore C, 2010, 'Kinetics of reduction of FeO in EAF steelmaking slag by metallurgical coke and waste plastics blends', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, AIST, USA, Pittsburgh, pp. Vol 1, 895 - Vol 1, 903, presented at AISTech 2010, Pittsburgh PA USA, 02 May 2010 - 05 May 2010

  • Citation
    Gupta SK; Kim B; Sahajwalla VH, 2010, 'Effect of Blending Rangal Coal on High-temperature Behavior of Cokes', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, AIST, USA, Pittsburgh, pp. Vol1, 303 - Vol 1, 315, presented at AISTech 2010, Pittsburgh PA USA, 02 May 2010 - 05 May 2010