MICROfactorie technologies

The SMaRT Centre through its many research programs has created the phrase ‘mircorecycling science’ to describe their novel approach to researching innovative approaches and technologies to reform various waste streams into value added materials and products. 

Based on this science, SMaRT has developed MICROfactorieTM Technologies that use various, discreet modules to transform problematic waste materials, such as glass, textiles and plastics, into new value-added materials and products, such as engineered green ceramics for the built environment and plastic filament as a ‘renewable resource’ for 3D printing.

Microfactorie logo

This modular technology is capable of harnessing value from our waste resources to deliver high-value materials and products, and the SMaRT Centre now houses various MICROfactoriesTM on site at UNSW  (see video below) while it is also supporting a number of industry and community-based organisations to adopt this type of technology.

Below is a link to all of our various MICROfactorieTM Technology news, followed by links to our various MICROfactorieTM capabilities, and here is a link to stories by the World Economic Forum lauding our concept, and here is a link to an Australian Government Parliamentary Report also highlighting the benefits of our technologies.

All the latest SMaRT Centre MICROfactorieTM news

These technologies were one of only ten innovations globally selected and featured at UNESCO’s 2020 Netexplo Forum. 

To see our current MICROfactorieTM capabilities, click on the following links:

Green ceramics



Green metals

Green aluminium

Other panels

Download our MICROfactorieTM Technologies flier

Download a PDF fact sheet from UNSW Knowledge Exchange 

This video below showcases the ceramics capability from one of our MICROfactoriesTM  modules.

This next video is the launch video for our Green Ceramics and Plastics MICROfactorieTMmodules.