Research articles and publications

This section provides a comprehensive list of the research articles and publications from the SMaRT Centre in relation to its many programs and projects. Visit specific web pages for individual programs to see research outcomes for those programs.

Conference Papers

  • Citation
    Haq M; Khanna R; Koshy P; Sahajwalla VH; Saha-Chaudhury NM, 2009, 'Recycling alumina-carbon refractory waste in steelmaking: Mechanisms of refractory degradation', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH, Warrendale, PA, United States, pp. 1067 - 1076, presented at AISTech 2009, St. Louis, Mo., USA, 04 May 2009 - 07 May 2009

  • Citation
    Kim B; Gupta SK; Sakurovs R; French D; Sahajwalla VH, 2009, 'Coal mineral transformations during carbonization and gasification', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH, Warrendale, PA, United States, pp. 137 - 148, presented at AISTech 2009, St. Louis, Mo., USA, 04 May 2009 - 07 May 2009

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Kongkarat S; Koshy P; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Dicker JD; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2009, 'Carbon dissolution in steelmaking process - Recarburization using waste plastics', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH, Warrendale, PA, United States, pp. 927 - 936, presented at AISTech 2009, St. Louis, Mo., USA, 04 May 2009 - 07 May 2009

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Rahman MF; Zaharia M; Koshy P; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Dicker JD; Skidmore C; Knights D; Lee J, 2009, 'Gas phase reactions of coke blends with plastics for chemical energy input into EAF steelmaking', in AISTech - Iron and Steel Technology Conference Proceedings, Association for Iron and Steel Technology, AISTECH, Warrendale, PA, United States, pp. 627 - 636, presented at AISTech 2009, St. Louis, Mo., USA, 04 May 2009 - 07 May 2009

  • Citation
    Pahlevani F; Kitamura S; Shibata H; Maruoka N, 2009, 'Kinetic model of Dephosphorization in Converter', in Kinetic model of Dephosphorization in Converter, international conference on Simulation and Modeling of Metallurgical Process in Steelmaking, Leoben, Austria, presented at international conference on Simulation and Modeling of Metallurgical Process in Steelmaking, Leoben, Austria, 08 September 2009 - 10 September 2009

  • Citation
    Pahlevani F; Kitamura S; Shibata H; Maruoka N, 2009, 'Simulation Model of Reaction kinetics for BOF operation', in Simulation Model of Reaction kinetics for BOF operation, 158th ISIJ autumn meeting, Kyoto, Japan, presented at 158th ISIJ autumn meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 15 September 2009 - 17 September 2009

Journal articles

  • Citation
    Kim B; Gupta SK; French D; Sakurovs R; Sahajwalla VH, 2009, 'Effect of thermal treatment on coke reactivity and catalytic iron mineralogy', Energy and Fuels, 23, pp. 3694 - 3702,

  • Citation
    Lu L; Sahajwalla V; McLean A, 2009, 'Coal conversion reactions and their impact on BF PCI operations', 5th International Congress on the Science and Technology of Ironmaking, ICSTI 2009, pp. 813 - 817

  • Citation
    Meunier P; Skyllas-Kazacos M; Welch B; Sahajwalla VH, 2009, 'Effect of dopants on wetting properties and electrochemical behaviour of graphite anodes in molten Al2O3-cryolite melts', Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 39, pp. 837 - 847,

  • Citation
    Rahman MM; Khanna R; Sahajwalla VH; O Kane P, 2009, 'The Influence of Ash Impurities on Interfacial Reactions between Carbonaceous Materials and EAF Slag at 1550 degrees C', ISIJ International, 49, pp. 329 - 336,

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Cham TS; Khanna R; Sakurovs R; French D, 2009, 'Influence of Mineral Matter on Carbon Dissolution from Metallurgical Coke into Molten Iron: Interfacial Phenomena', ISIJ International, 49, pp. 1860 - 1867,

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Khanna R; Zaharia M; Kongkarat S; Rahman MM; Kim B; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Dicker JD; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2009, 'Environmentally sustainable EAF steelmaking through introduction of recycled plastics and tires: Laboratory and plant studies', Iron and Steel Technology, 6, pp. 43 - 50

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Lee SH; Khanna R; Hallin M; Lindblom B, 2009, 'Reduction Behaviour of Olivine Iron Ore Pellets in the Experimental Blast Furnace', Steel Research International, 80, pp. 702 - 708,

  • Citation
    Sahajwalla VH; Rahman MM; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2009, 'Recycling waste plastics in EAF steelmaking: Carbon/slag interactions of HDPE-coke blends', Steel Research International, 80, pp. 535 - 543,

  • Citation
    Zaharia M; Sahajwalla VH; Khanna R; Koshy P; O Kane P, 2009, 'Carbon/Slag Interactions between Coke/Rubber Blends and EAF Slag at 1 550 degrees C', ISIJ International, 49, pp. 1513 - 1521,

  • Citation
    Zaharia M; Sahajwalla VH; Kim B; Khanna R; Saha-Chaudhury NM; O Kane P; Dicker JD; Skidmore C; Knights D, 2009, 'Recycling of rubber tires in electric arc furnace steelmaking: Simultaneous combustion of metallurgical coke and rubber tyres blends', Energy and Fuels, 23, pp. 2467 - 2474,

Conference Posters

  • Citation
    Pahlevani F; Kitamura S; Shibata H; Maruoka N, 2009, 'Simulation of Steel Refining Process (Dephosphorization)', Sendai, Japan, presented at Second French Research Organizations Tohoku University Joint Workshop on Frontier Materials (FRONTIER-2009), Sendai, Japan, 29 November 2009 - 03 December 2009