Research articles and publications

This section provides a comprehensive list of the research articles and publications from the SMaRT Centre in relation to its many programs and projects. Visit specific web pages for individual programs to see research outcomes for those programs.

Journal articles

  • Citation
    Dankwah JR; Koshy P; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Reduction of FeO in EAF steelmaking slag by blends of metallurgical coke and end-of-life polyethylene terephthalate', Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 41, pp. 401 - 409,

  • Citation
    Farzana R; Rajarao R; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Transforming waste plastic into reductants for synthesis of ferrosilicon alloy', Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 53, pp. 19870 - 19877,

  • Citation
    Ikram-ul-Haq M; Khanna R; Wang Y; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'A Novel X-ray Micro-diffraction Approach for Structural Characterization of Trace Quantities of Secondary Phases in Al2O3-C/Fe System', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 45, pp. 1970 - 1973,

  • Citation
    khanna ; Cayumil R; mukherjee ; Sahajwalla VH, 2014, 'A novel recycling approach for transforming waste printed circuit boards into a material resource', Procedia Environmental Sciences, 21, pp. 42 - 54,

  • Citation
    Khanna R; Ikram-Ul-Haq M; Sadi SF; Sahajwalla V; Mukherjee PS; Seetharaman S, 2014, 'Reduction reactions in Al2O3-C-Fe and Al 2O3-Fe2O3-C systems at 1 823 K', ISIJ International, 54, pp. 1485 - 1490,

  • Citation
    Ko KH; Rawal A; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Analysis of thermal degradation kinetics and carbon structure changes of co-pyrolysis between macadamia nut shell and PET using thermogravimetric analysis and 13C solid state nuclear magnetic resonance', Energy Conversion and Management, 86, pp. 154 - 164,

  • Citation
    Ko KH; Sahajwalla V; Rawal A, 2014, 'Specific molecular structure changes and radical evolution during biomass-polyethylene terephthalate co-pyrolysis detected by 13C and 1H solid-state NMR', Bioresource Technology, 170, pp. 248 - 255,

  • Citation
    Kumar A; Khanna R; Ikram-ul-Haq M; Spink J; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Effect of glaze on the corrosion behavior of ZrO2-graphite insert of the submerged entry nozzle in the continuous casting of steel', Steel Research International,

  • Citation
    Kumar A; Khanna R; Spink J; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Fundamental investigations on the corrosion of ZrO2-C refractories during interaction with a casting mould meniscus slag', Steel Research International, 85, pp. 1185 - 1193,

  • Citation
    Li K; Khanna R; Zhang J; Liu Z; Sahajwalla V; Yang T; Kong D, 2014, 'The evolution of structural order, microstructure and mineral matter of metallurgical coke in a blast furnace: A review', Fuel, 133, pp. 194 - 215,

  • Citation
    Lundgren M; Khanna R; Ökvist LS; Sahajwalla V; Björkman B, 2014, 'The evolution of structural order as a measure of thermal history of coke in the blast furnace', Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B: Process Metallurgy and Materials Processing Science, 45, pp. 603 - 616,

Book Chapters

  • Citation
    Hayes P; Jak E; Waseda Y; Egry I; Mills KC; Hayashi M; Wang L; Watanabe T; Khanna R; Sahajwalla V; Morita K; Sano N; Iwase M; Hasegawa M; Ono H; Miki T; Hirato T; Nurni VN; Ballal NB; Ballal BN; Seetharaman S; Sridhar S, 2014, 'Contributors to volume 1', in Treatise on Process Metallurgy, Elsevier, pp. xxv - xxvi,

Conference Presentations

  • Citation
    Park K; Gupta S; Sahajwalla V, 2014, 'Effect of oxyfuel condition on char characteristics and burnout'