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As a Powerhouse Museum 2022 Sydney Science Festival Ambassador, Prof Veena spoke to ABC News Breakfast about the various UNSW SMaRT Centre recycling technologies.
The interview focusses on a new exhibition at the Power House Museum in Sydney featuring a display of some of the materials and products made from the SMaRT Centre technologies.
Note, the video will play after about 10 seconds:
As part of the festival, Veena also delivered a key note talk about how to deliver a new generation of products and materials as resources from reformed waste.
Pre-event information:
The Powerhouse says: "Sydney Science Festival is the flagship science program for the Powerhouse. It aims to challenge and broaden perceptions of science while critically examining its influential role in society. Produced by the museum since 2015, the festival is Australia’s leading public science program."
"The theme of Revival – speaks to diverse science disciplines including climate and environment (100 Climate Conversations - here is Veena's conversation) and notions of rebounding and renewal post pandemic. Definition: an improvement in the conditions, strength or fortitude of something/someone."