First Commonwealth Chemistry Congress

On 19 May 2021, Veena will be delivering a plenary presentation at the UK hosted First Commonwealth Chemistry Congress, talking about materials sustainability and the need for greater circularity.

Event description

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Commonwealth Chemistry, and the Federation of Commonwealth Chemical Sciences Societies are delighted to announce that the inaugural Commonwealth Chemistry Congress (CCC) will take place online from 18-20 May 2021.

Download the event program


Bringing together chemists from across the Commonwealth under the banner of equality for all, the Commonwealth Chemistry Congress will promote the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), strengthen scientific capacity, inspire and elevate the role of the chemical sciences to society and policy makers, and celebrate achievements in chemistry. Representatives from chemical societies across the Commonwealth will join high level stakeholders from academia, industry and government at this meeting. The Congress will have a strong focus on early career chemists across the Commonwealth, with the aim of furthering their career development, enabling joint research and education activities, and providing networking opportunities to share research outputs. 

The Congress programme includes panel discussions on the importance of the role of the Commonwealth in overcoming the SDGs and career pathways together with scientific sessions featuring high profile speakers in the following themes:

  • Biodiversity and Natural Products
  • Energy and Materials
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Green Chemistry and Catalysis
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Water and Environmental Chemistry